Attend Back-to School Night to find out the requirements in all classes.
Begin to review college entrance requirements.
Develop a “Student Planner” on CSU Mentor, or another source to maintain an academic portfolio of courses, college admission requirements, SAT, SAT-II, and ACT test dates.
Participate in school orientation to find out about activities, sports and clubs available in high school-be sure to get involved!
Apply for California Scholarship Federation (CSF) membership if you qualify.
Tips for Sophomores:
Continue to participate in academic enrichment programs, special summer workshops and camps offered by different college campuses in music, science, engineering, writing, filmmaking, theater, language, and other subjects.
Apply for California Scholarship Federation (CSF) membership if you qualify.
PSAT test administered in October. All SBHS students take this test.
Update your “Student Planner” with completed courses from 9th grade and input 10th grade classes.
Take virtual campus tours of any college campuses of interest, and check out campus web pages. Talk to college campuses and ask the guides about their college experiences.
Tips for Juniors:
Check with the High School Counselor to make sure you are on track to take the necessary classes to meet the requirements for the US, CSU, or Private school’s admission.
Maintain your “A’s” and “B’s”, which are extremely important during your junior year of high school. Gear up for mid-year finals- junior year grades are crucial.
Update your “Student Planner” with completed courses from the 10th grade classes.
Fill out your “Senior Brag Sheet”. SBHS students usually fill this out in their English classes in the spring.
Attend college and university night programs and visit with campus outreach representatives when they visit our campus. Talk to college friends who are home for the holidays.
Call college campuses for a tour and presentations about academic programs, admission requirements, and financial aid. Bring student transcripts or a list of courses completed since the 9th grade.
Take the PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test) in October. This is a practice exam for the SAT I, which is required for several national scholarship programs, such as National Merit, National Achievement, and National Hispanic Scholarships. SBHS juniors all take this exam in the middle of October-no registration is necessary.
Prepare for the SAT I or ACT by using books and manuals with testing tips and sample questions. These can be found in bookstores, libraries, and schools, or accessed on the Internet or on CD-Rom. SBHS offers a SAT prep course in the fall and Spring-SUN SAT Prep Course. Register for SAT in February, and March. Take SAT in April, and in May- even the SAT II.
Tips for Seniors:
Review class schedules with high school counselor to ensure that college preparatory requirements are being satisfied.
Early September: Register for the SAT or ACT. The high school counselor will have forms and information about fee waivers for those who qualify.
Update the “Student Planner” with 11th grade completed courses and input 12th grade classes. Continue to e-mail questions to college campus representatives.
October: Begin the application process- can be done on line, or pick an application at the high school counselor’s office.
Begin to narrow down your college choices.
Attend college and university night programs and open houses. Attend information meeting when a certain college is on campus.
Frequently check with high school counselor for scholarships awarded by schools, local companies, and community groups. Search for this information in the counselor’s office, libraries, and Internet.
November 1-30th: apply to colleges. Some campuses may continue to accept application after November 30th- find out first.
January: complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) accessible online- and provides financial aid opportunities and eligibility information and can calculate an estimated financial aid package.
March and April: If required, take the English Placement Test (EPT) and Entry Level Math (ELM) exam at a CSU campus. A passing score in EPT or ELM is required.
May: Take AP Exams. Have your scores sent to your final-choice college.
Send thank-you notes to teachers who wrote recommendations.
June: have your final transcripts sent to your college.
July: Notify the financial aid office of your college about any scholarships you’ve been offered.