For assistance in choosing courses or any additional information, please contact the Dean of Curriculum. The information contained here is for reference purposes only and is superseded by the official Course Description Handbook available at St. Bonaventure High School. The information is as accurate as possible for the school year.
Saint Bonaventure, an archdiocesan four-year co-educational high school, promotes an atmosphere in which the Gospel values encourage mutual respect and concern among the members of the school community. This spirit of community is strengthened by personal, academic and vocational counseling which promotes self-direction; by a discipline program which encourages self-control; and by extra-curricular programs which develop social skills and emphasize cooperation.
The school seeks to provide a program of studies which integrates the intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual needs of a broad range of students, enabling them to excel to the best of their ability. Each student is assisted in determining his/her course of studies by counselors, teachers, and parents; the particular course of studies must reflect the academic policies of Saint Bonaventure High School, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, and the State of California. In addition, it is recommended that the student keep in mind the particular requirements of colleges and universities so as to better plan a comprehensive four year program of studies.
In order to acknowledge the achievement of high ability students, Saint Bonaventure High School offers the opportunity for students to graduate with an Honors Diploma. In addition, advanced placement courses in English, calculus, and U.S. history challenge students to take on college level work, work at a fast pace, and demonstrate self-discipline, self motivation and initiative in meeting the demands of these high level courses. Students may earn college credit with a score of 3, 4, or 5 on the national tests given in May.
Students are encouraged to meet with counselors and consult their teachers in planning their course of studies. It is most important that each student plan a program that is reflective of his/her abilities and will lead to the greatest measure of self-fulfillment.