Greetings Seraphs Families! As we end our first quarter and begin second, I am reminded that every day I come to school, I am surrounded by some very special people. I am blessed to have a team of very talented people who care deeply for your students. I think is important for you to know who your students interact with every day. Where they came from and what prior experience other than their degrees and credentials to they bring to their classrooms. We have Coaches, Mentors, High School Counselors, College Admission Counselors, Youth Pastors, Scientists, Engineers, Veterans, Artists, Chefs, Theater Directors, Business Owners, Veterinary and Medical Assistants, Legislative Assistants, Research Assistants, Environmentalists, Teachers, Alumni, Mothers, Fathers, Grandparents. This amazing group of people we call the Seraph Family, has come from a wide variety of backgrounds, and yet, choose Saint Bonaventure High School as their career, vocation, calling. All bring something very special and unique to our campus every day, and I think it is important to recognize their commitment to Catholic Education, their loyalty to SBHS, and their love of high school students. As we approach the “season of gratitude” with Thanksgiving nearing us, I encourage our community to take a minute, a beat, a moment in a day, to remember how fortunate we are to have this community. Compliments and acts of kindness are free. John F. Kennedy said, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. We can live this kind of life, making these choices, and with that we will see the good in each other and in our world. Our Heavenly Father has given us the greatest example of living this life. Be kind, be grateful and love. God Bless, Mrs. Christina Castro, Principal
Important Upcoming Dates
Oct. 6 Homecoming Game vs Westlake
Oct. 7 Homecoming Dance
Oct. 9 Golf Tournament
Oct. 16 PSAT Testing
Oct. 18 Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences
Oct. 20 60th anniversary mass w/Archbishop Joes gomez
Oct. 28 Trunk or Treat
Nov. 5 Open House/Athletic Expo
Nov. 20-24 Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 1st North Pole at Noon-Shadow Day
Dec. 12-14 Semester exams